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Membership Vote

Posted over 1 year ago by Justin Di Libero

Dear RI-CNS Members,

We need your vote on the following items:

1. Vote to approve the changes to the by-laws reflecting the change in our name to the New England Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NE-CNS) and clarification on the voting process.

2. Approval for the following slate of incoming Board of Director members:

a. Secretary - Patti Calvert

b. Treasurer - Susan DiBlasi

c. Member at Large - Ashlee Sackett

We will send a separate vote for the next president-elect soon.

Please submit your vote to Patti Calvert at Please note that failure to submit a vote is considered an affirmative vote. 

We will plan to hold a social gathering before the holidays (date to be determined), and will send 2024 meeting dates soon.

Stay Tuned!!